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Camera Special Test Equipment

  • CS-ETS Exposure Time Test System
  • CS-ETS Exposure Time Test System
CS-ETS Exposure Time Test SystemCS-ETS Exposure Time Test System

CS-ETS Exposure Time Test System

  • Product description: The exposure time test system is used to test the exposure time, frame rate, and exposure synchronization of visible light or infrared cameras or video cameras.

CS-ETS is a device designed for measuring and evaluating the temporal performance of camera systems. These performance indicators are crucial for the capture and processing of images, helping to ensure that the camera system's exposure, synchronization, and overall performance are optimized. During the development and testing phases of a camera system, engineers require specialized testing equipment to measure these temporal parameters, verifying that the system operates correctly and produces high-quality images.

Detailed Explanation of Temporal Parameters:
A thorough understanding and precise control of temporal parameters are essential for operating camera systems, enabling users to achieve ideal exposure settings, dynamic capture, and image quality. Each temporal parameter plays a significant role in different shooting scenarios.

Shutter Speed and Exposure Time:

Shutter speed refers to the duration for which the camera's shutter remains open. For systems without a mechanical shutter, such as smartphone cameras, we use exposure time to describe the sensitivity of the image sensor to light. Fast shutter speeds or exposure times can reduce motion blur, while slower or longer exposures allow more light to enter, suitable for low-light environments, but may result in image blur.

Autofocus Time:

Autofocus time determines the speed and accuracy with which the camera system focuses on the subject in the scene. Fast and precise autofocus capabilities allow users to capture clear and sharp images under various shooting conditions, especially in dynamic scenes.

Shutter and Shooting Delay Times:

Shutter delay time refers to the time from activating the shutter to the actual start of image capture. Shooting delay time includes autofocus time and is the interval from pressing the shutter trigger to the start of image capture.

Frame Rate, Lost frames, frozen:

Frame rate describes the number of frames the camera captures and stores per second. A high frame rate can better stabilize motion in a scene, suitable for video recording and fast-paced scenarios.

Display Refresh Rate:

Display refresh rate refers to the number of times the camera's display refreshes images per second. A high refresh rate can make image sequences appear smoother during transitions.

Rolling Shutter Speed:

Rolling shutter describes the way the sensor reads images line by line, which is particularly important for capturing objects in motion within a scene.

Startup Time:

Startup time refers to the time required for the camera to reach full functionality after pressing the power button. This is crucial for quickly preparing to capture fleeting moments.

Product Information:



Single lamp bead flashing time

1us ~ 40s


Visible light

850 nm


Surface illumination



360 x 50 x 320 mm

Lamp life


way to control

touch screen/USB

Supply voltage


Operating environment

indoor:15-25°;humidity:30% ~ 50%

PREVIOUS:i1 Basic Pro2NEXT:White Diffuser


Contact: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Phone: 15817270587

Tel: 400-886-3881(周一至周五 9:00~18:00)

Email: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Add: South Building #2-1101, Lv Di Qi Hang Office Building, Hou Sha Yu, Shun Yi District, Beijing, China