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Grid industry

  • Image Monitoring and Video Surveillance Solutions for the Power Industry
Image Monitoring and Video Surveillance Solutions for the Power Industry

Image Monitoring and Video Surveillance Solutions for the Power Industry

  • Brand:ColorSpace
  • Image Quality Solutions for the Power Industry
  • GB/T 35697 | Q/GDW11304.2
  • Product description: ColorSpace provides solutions that meet the image monitoring and video surveillance standards of the power industry, such as GB/T 35697, Q/GDW, etc. Parameters that need to be evaluated in power indus

ColorSpace Provides Solutions that Meet the Image Monitoring and Video Surveillance Requirements of the Power Industry

With the rapid development of the power industry, the scale and complexity of the power grid system continue to increase. The power grid system involves numerous power equipment, transmission lines, substations, etc., and monitoring the operation status and environmental conditions of these devices is crucial for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power grid system. Traditional manual monitoring methods suffer from limitations such as limited human resources, limited monitoring coverage, and slow response speed. Therefore, the introduction of image monitoring and video surveillance technology can greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of monitoring, and is of significant importance in ensuring the safe operation of the power grid system, improving work efficiency, and responding to emergencies.

Image monitoring and video surveillance technology in the power industry usually need to comply with a series of standard requirements to ensure their effectiveness and reliability in power system monitoring and management. The following are some common standard requirements for image monitoring and video surveillance technology in the power industry:

GB/T 35697-2017 General technical specification for on-line monitoring device on overhead transmission lines

IEC 62351-5 Video surveillance system for use in security applications-Part 5: Data specifications and image quality performance for camera devices

Q/GDW 11449—2015 Testing method for on-line monitoring device on overhead transmission lines

Q/GDW 11304.2-2021 Technical specification for live-testing device of electrical equipment Part 2: Infrared thermal imager



ColorSpace provides common solutions for image quality testing in the power grid and power industry:

测试设Equipment 型号Model 测试项目Project
imatest master软件
Master 图像质量分析软件
LE007反射面光源 CS-LE007 为测试提供不同光照环境
LE005透射光源 CS-LE005 用于提供透射标准光源环境,对常规项目进行测试,如:宽动态能力、亮度均匀性等
自动图卡切换设备 CS-ACCS-V 可放置不同测试卡,自动化切换提高速率和精度
测试卡Test Chart
棋盘格测试卡 CS-TC068 测试畸变、MTF值、最低照度
eSFR测试卡 CS-TC007 可测试MTF值、畸变、横向色差等参数
36阶动态范围测试卡 CS-TC060 可测试动态范围(可见光+IR)
20阶动态范围测试卡 CS-TC060-20阶 可测试动态范围(可见光+IR)
ColorChecker 24色 CS-TC021 色彩还原测试卡,可测试白平衡、色彩还原
分光照度计 CL-500A 用于测量色温照度
光谱照度计 CS-LM01R 用于测量色温照度(可测量红外波段)
激光测距仪 GLM4000 用于记录测试距离数据
三脚架云台套装 CS-AC002 用于固定摄像头
摄像头夹具 CS-PJ-CA03 用于固定摄像头
图像采集卡 CS-AC01 -
相机5轴运动及定制夹具 - -
热成像黑体炉 - 热成像测试设备
18%中性灰涂料 CS-NP-18 装修实验室墙体,为测试提供中性灰环境

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Phone: 15817270587

Tel: 400-886-3881(周一至周五 9:00~18:00)

Email: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Add: South Building #2-1101, Lv Di Qi Hang Office Building, Hou Sha Yu, Shun Yi District, Beijing, China