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imatest Change Log


imatest Change Log

To obtain the latest version of Imatest (for updates, new installations, and trial as well as and full versions) go to Imatest Download. Imatest perpetual license holders are entitled to free updates for one year from the date of purchase. After that you need to renew. If your license is not current, you can download and install the version that was current one year after the purchase date.

For older releases check the Legacy Release Log. For highlights of Imatest releases, see Imatest Updates and Features.

Major Version Minor Version
22.2 v22.2.2、v22.2.1
22.1 v22.1.7、v22.1.6、v22.1.5、v22.1.4、v22.1.3、v22.1.2、v22.1.1
2021.2 v2021.2.9、v2021.2.8、v2021.2.7、v2021.2.6、v2021.2.5、v2021.2.4、v2021.2.2、v2021.2.1
2021.1 v2021.1.14、v2021.1.13v2021.1.12、v2021.1.11、v2021.1.9、v2021.1.8、v2021.1.7、v2021.1.6、v2021.1.5、v2021.1.4、v2021.1.3、v2021.1.2、v2021.1.1
2020.2 v2020.2.16、v2020.2.15、v2020.2.14、v2020.2.13、v2020.2.12、v2020.2.11、v2020.2.9、v2020.2.8、v2020.2.7、v2020.2.6、v2020.2.5、v2020.2.4、v2020.2.3、v2020.2.2、v2020.2.1
2020.1 v2020.1.18、v2020.1.17、v2020.1.15、v2020.1.14、v2020.1.13、v2020.1.12、v2020.1.11、v2020.1.9、v2020.1.8、v2020.1.7、v2020.1.6、v2020.1.5、v2020.1.4、v2020.1.3、v2020.1.2、v2020.1.1
5.2 v5.2.21、v5.2.19、v5.2.18、v5.2.17、v5.2.16、v5.2.15、v5.2.14、v5.2.13、v5.2.12、v5.2.11v5.2.9v5.2.8、v5.2.7、v5.2.6、v5.2.5、v5.2.4、v5.2.3、v5.2.2、v5.2.1
5.1 v5.1.36、v5.1.35、v5.1.34、v5.1.33、v5.1.32、v5.1.31、v5.1.29、v5.1.28、v5.1.27、v5.1.26、v5.1.25、v5.1.24、v5.1.23、v5.1.22、v5.1.21、v5.1.19v5.1.18、v5.1.17、v5.1.16、v5.1.15、v5.1.14、v5.1.13、v5.1.12、v5.1.9+v5.1.11、v5.1.8、v5.1.7、v5.1.6、v5.1.5、v5.1.4、v5.1.3、v5.1.2、v5.1.1
5.0 v5.0.25、v5.0.21、v5.0.19、v5.0.18、v5.0.17、v5.0.16、v5.0.15、v5.0.14、v5.0.13、v5.0.12、v5.0.11、v5.0.9v5.0.8、v5.0.7、v5.0.6、v5.0.5、v5.0.4、v5.0.3、v5.0.2、v5.0.1
4.5 v4.5.33、v4.5.22v4.5.21、v4.5.19v4.5.18v4.5.17、v4.5.16、v4.5.15、v4.5.14、v4.5.13、v4.5.12、v4.5.11、v4.5.9v4.5.8、v4.5.7、v4.5.6、v4.5.5、v4.5.4、v4.5.3、v4.5.2、v4.5.1
4.4 v4.4.21、v4.4.14+4.4.15、v4.4.13、v4.4.12、v4.4.11、v4.4.9v4.4.8、v4.4.7、v4.4.6、v4.4.5、v4.4.4、v4.4.3、v4.4.2、v4.4.1
4.3 v4.3.9、v4.3.3+、v4.3.2、v4.3.1
4.2 v4.2.13v4.2.11、v4.2.9、v4.2.8、v4.2.7、v4.2.6、v4.2.5、v4.2.4、v4.2.3、v4.2.2、v4.2.1
4.1 v4.1.17、v4.1.13、v4.1.12、v4.1.11、v4.1.8、v4.1.6、v4.1.5、v4.1.3、v4.1.2、v4.1.1
4.0 v4.0

October 10, 2022

New Features:
  • Stray Light Analysis Feature – Imatest analyzes images of a bright light source and calculates the stray light for each image. The included stray light metrics in Imatest 22.2 are Point Source Rejection Ratio (PSRR) and unnormalized stray light. The primary output of the analysis are stray light metric images which quantify the amount of stray light in the input images. Other outputs include light source mask files, various summary statistics in standard output formats, as well as colormapped plots and videos. This feature is a step towards defining and supporting next-generation stray light analysis within IEEE-P2020 and ISO.
  • Auto Exposure measurements in Color/Tone – Given a video input file with a changing light level, this feature will measure the time a camera system takes to adjust the exposure of a scene. Metrics calculated: Temporal Video Analysis – Mean Normalized Pixel Level,  Exposure Error, and CPIQ Exposure Quality Loss.
  • Auto White Balance measurements in Color/Tone – Given a video input file with changing color temperature, this feature will measure the time a camera system takes to adjust the white balance of a scene. Metrics calculated: Correlated Color Temperature.
  • Compare two images for 3D (stereo imaging) compatibility in Focus Field –  Compare the geometry of two images using the Focus Field Post-processor.
  • Enhanced Image Preview – Enabling zoom and pan with rubber band selection, coordinates display, and minimap.
  • Save distortion-corrected Image for SFRplus and Checkerboard

Minor Versions

v22.2.2 December 22,2022

  • Resolved an error in time_domain_stats in ColorTone.
  • Updated Straylight normalization factor calculation.
  • On ColorTone module, allowed exposure error to go negative to indicate under exposure.
  • Resolved an error in matlab.internal.VideoReader/sortTimestampsAndBroadcastEvent on AWB
  • Resolved an error on Test Charts
  • Updated ROI selection on Star chart.

v22.2.1 November 04,2022

  • Improved trial behavior for Straylight – Warning message added when trying to save straylight files; and watermarks on plots.
  • Made an update on Straylight settings, which is now resetting when ini file resets.
  • Resolved error on saving a straylight plot if folder does not exist.
  • Corrected AWB&AE settling time start point.
  • IT python sample reworked to clarify library termination usage.
  • Added an error prompt on Straylight if filename has invalid characters.
  • Updated Japanese translations for Stray Light settings.
  • Resolved an error on Batchview post processor
  • Resolved a crash on IT/EXE with user defined chart
  • Removed “Normalized” and “count” units from Straylight results.
  • Resolved an error on Mac Studio build on saving test results as PDF form.

For more information, please contact: sales@colorspace.com.cn


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Tel: 400-886-3881(周一至周五 9:00~18:00)

Email: sales@colorspace.com.cn

Add: South Building #2-1101, Lv Di Qi Hang Office Building, Hou Sha Yu, Shun Yi District, Beijing, China